Second harvest food bank east tennessee
Second harvest food bank east tennessee

Henry County Community Foundation ( Henry County) – $5,000.Hendricks County Food Pantry Coalition ( Hendricks County) – $5,000.Good Samaritan Network of Hamilton County ( Hamilton County) – $10,000.Gleaners Food Bank of Indiana ( Statewide) – $10,000.Food Finders Food Bank ( Benton, Carroll, Cass, Fountain, Fulton, Howard, Miami, Montgomery, Tippecanoe, Tipton and Warren counties) – $29,000.Clay County YMCA ( Clay County) – $7,000.Center for Lay Ministries ( Clark County) – $6,000.Anchor House ( Jackson County) – $5,000.Grants were awarded to the following organizations: "The support of partners like Duke Energy is instrumental in helping us continue to serve our clients with compassion, dignity and respect." "These funds will allow us to meet the increased needs of local families this summer while kids are home from school and food costs are rising," said Kara Brown, executive director of the Center for Lay Ministries.

second harvest food bank east tennessee

Each month, the nonprofit organization provides food for more than 1,100 individuals and their families. The Center for Lay Ministries is the recipient of a $6,000 Duke Energy Foundation grant to support Clark County, Ind., residents who struggle with food insecurity.

second harvest food bank east tennessee

With these funds, we hope to curb the number of Indiana families experiencing hunger and support local organizations extending a helping hand to their neighbors in need." "When people don't have enough food to meet their needs or are uncertain of where their next meal might come from, it weighs heavily on families and communities. "Too many Hoosiers struggle with economic instability and food insecurity," said Stan Pinegar, president of Duke Energy Indiana.

Second harvest food bank east tennessee