- Dance kaleidoscope 2016 pdf#
- Dance kaleidoscope 2016 free#
Blue running lights backstage left and right. In the instance of iconoGlass, a minimum of six profile moving light units. In the instance of CARMINA BURANA, two dry ice machines (chemical dry ice machines) and appropriate dry ice are necessary. Production table set up center of house with power, 2 headsets and computer monitor. A red spotting lamp on center line in front of house. Template holders for a minimum of 8 units. Gel frames/hanging hardware for all lighting units. – 100 amp service and tie-in for additional moving lights – 40 Sidearms for hanging lighting units on booms – 8 10′ boom pipes with appropriate weighting to stabilize the boom – Three-color cyc lighting units appropriate to venue, must hold gel color – Appropriate front of house lighting for two color wash – 40 Source 4 36 degree (750w) or similar units – 8 Source 4 50 degree (750w) or similar units Company Light Plot consists of 200 lighting instruments of the following specifications:. Plot should be completely hung, circuited and tested prior to the arrival of the Lighting Designer/Production Manager – IF NOT, PLEASE SEE NOTE BELOW. All equipment and power needed to execute Company plot and hookup, including a computer light control board with a minimum of 200 channels of control. Glover at 31 to discuss possible alternatives. PLEASE NOTE: If Theater’s lighting inventory does not match that listed below, please have your technical director contact Company’s Lighting Designer/Production Manager Laura E. Proper heat levels between 68 and 76 degrees Fahrenheit (20 and 25 degrees Celsius) must be maintained on-stage, and in off-stage areas, rehearsal rooms and dressing rooms whenever the Company is in rehearsal, class and performance. These same areas shall be damp mopped and in general good condition for a modern dance concert. Dance kaleidoscope 2016 free#
Prior to all technical rehearsals, warm-ups, spacing rehearsals and performances – the on-stage and off-stage areas shall be swept and made free of nails, tacks, staples and any other protrusions or objects that might cause injuries to bare foot dancers.All of the dances in the program are performed in bare feet – this is a safety priority point.All floors must be swept clean and ready for bare foot dancers. A WOOD FLOOR LAYED DIRECTLY OVER CONCRETE OR CEMENT IS NOT ACCEPTABLE. If the Company uses any other spaces or studios during its residency, all floors must be wood laid over wood sleepers, with some give.
If not possible, Company requires that the Presenter provide sufficient floor covering to cover these cables. Company prefers all lighting and sound cables to be kept off the floor.Prior to the installation of the sub-floor, the on-stage and off-stage areas shall be made free of nails, tacks, staples, and any other protrusions or objects.Black vinyl marley-type floor, if available.A L’AIR sprung wooden dance sub-floor measuring 40′ wide X 32′ deep, requiring company to screw into the stage floor around the perimeter of the dance floor (drywall screws only).Quick change booths, upstage left & right with costume rack, light, and mirror in each.1 seamless black scrim with ability to fly must fly out of sight.Company must screw into the stage floor to secure the sprung wooden dance sub-floor (drywall screws only).
Crossover behind stage, minimum 6 ‘ wide, must be indoors without steps, with blue running lights where needed. Minimum offstage area: 10’ in width from the offstage stage edge of legs. Minimum dancing area: 40′ wide X 32′ deep. Theatre needs to accommodate the following: The Company requires the (hereafter called “Presenter”), at the Presenter’s expense, to provide the equipment, services and conditions outlined below: The touring staff of Dance Kaleidoscope (hereafter called “Company”) consists of an Artistic Director, a Rehearsal Director, a Lighting Designer/Production Manager, a Technical Director, Stage Manager, Costume Manager, a Director of Touring and twelve to fifteen dancers (12-15) dancers.Company carries its own costumes, sets, props, gel color, a marley-type dance floor and sprung wooden dance sub-floor.
Dance kaleidoscope 2016 pdf#
Please print the PDF file located at the bottom of this page for this purpose. Dance Kaleidoscope’s Touring Technical Requirements will become the Technical Addendum that is an integral part of Dance Kaleidoscope’s Performance Agreement and, upon agreement, must be signed by the Presenter, and the Presenter’s Technical Director.